Loyalty Programs – Walk in Your Customer’s Shoes
Pre-posted with Permission by author, Jack Kennamer
March 2014
When it comes to loyalty programs, we know what we love and what we’d change if we could. We love the deals, offers, and rewards. What we hate is being aked for personal information, filling out registration forms, having to go to websites and create yet another account.
We know what it feels like giving a complete stranger our e-mail, phone number, address and more; or being asked to recite this sensitive information in front of a line of complete strangers. All of this hassle just to receive yet another loyalty card to add to our ever-growing stack or adding another mobile app we’ll probably never use more than once. We have all been there, and most the time we just say “no thanks”.
If, by some chance we do sign up, we are then faced with the aftermath of joining…e-mails, tons of them, day and night with no rhyme or reason.
For those of us in the retail business, as soon as we leave work we become a customer with the merchants we shop. We all deal with these exact same issues day in and day out. I don’t think we’d find a consumer out there that loves the current “linear” loyalty system of today. Just Ask. So, why not make it as easy as possible for consumers to enroll and participate?
What if we, as consumers could go into any merchant offering a loyalty program and enroll with the swipe of a single card, or the scan of a single app? Just one! Not a deck of loyalty cards or a smartphone full of apps. Would that make us more likely to participate? No forms, no personal questions, no websites to hunt for to enroll in, just a single swipe! Of course it would!
And what if we, as a consumer, knew that our personal information was safe and secure, wouldn’t that make it easier and safer and less of a concern to join a merchant’s loyalty program? We all know the answer – it is an emphatic YES!
What if we knew that our e-mail box was not going to explode when we joined and offers would come to us in way that makes them useable and specific to who we are? Would that make it easier to join? Of course it would!
The post Do Our Customers Value Our Current Loyalty Programs as Much as We Do? appeared first on Mark Heckman Consulting .